Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Generational Differences Essay Example

Generational Differences Essay Example Generational Differences Essay Generational Differences Essay A generation Is a group of individuals who are born at a specific time period. Generations range from every alphabet letter known to man. I myself, am from generation Y. This Is the generation that has become victims to so many trends and fads of this world. The Y generation differs in many things from the baby boomers generation. A baby boomer was born between the years of 1946 and 1964. They were given this name because of the soldiers coming home from war, and making love to their wives/significant other. This was the biggest population period of humans known to mankind. One In every four Americans Is a baby boomer. According to statistics, a baby boomer turns 50 years old every 18 seconds and 60 years old every seven seconds. Baby boomers political views were a mixture of liberal and conservative. According to statistics, 74% of baby boomers are favor of more environmental regulations, 57% support legal abortions, 55% believe in stem cell research, and 26% of them support gay marriage. Also 75% of baby boomers are in favor of school prayer, 70% support the death penalty, and 65% agree that civil berries should be curbed because of terrorism (Davis and Love, 2002), During the baby booming period new schools had to be built due to the Increasing population. Also more people started to be farms and ranches. Strip malls also were being built and becoming a main attraction. In the sasss, movies were the 35 cents. Drive in theaters became part of the young family social scene, primarily owing to cheap tickets. : The main movie genres were melodramas, westerns, horror films, comedies, and action-adventure films (Baby Boom Generation, n. D. ). Musicals and science fiction became popular at a later time In the ass. Popular kids shows would be play at the theaters on Saturday afternoons (Baby Boom Generation, n. D. ). Popular television shows consisted of Buffalo Bob and Callable, Captain Kangaroo, Lassie, Leave it to Beaver, and I love Lucy. Popular music artist were Elvis Presley, Bob Dylan, Neil Young, The Battles, Rolling Stones, The Who, and Pink Floyd. Baby Boom Generation, n. D. ). The Y Generation differs from the baby boomers In many ways. Movies now dont cost 35 cents anymore. The price of movies has Increased rapidly. Most members of the Y generation dont go to a movie with their family anymore though. They would rather go with a few of their friends. Music differs much more too. Popular artist to generation Y consist of Ill Wayne, Gucci, Drake, Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga, Beyond, and ot her artist. A lot of music contains much profanity and suggestive lyrics, but most of generation Y children listen to It. Video games have become a big thing too other than watching television shows and popular movies that the generation Y watches are nothing Like the movies of the baby boomers. According to www. Alleviations. Com, generation YKs values are: Self-expression is more important than self-control. Marketing and branding self is important. Violence is an acceptable means of communication. Fear living poorly?this is related to lifestyle enjoyment, not wealth. Respect must be earned; it is not freely granted based on age, authority or Y, n. D. ). Generation Yes attributes are: Adapt rapidly. Crave change Ana canalling. Create constantly. Exceptionally resilient. Committed and loyal when dedicated to an idea, cause or product. Accept others of diverse backgrounds easily and openly . Global in perspective(Generation Y, n. D). The baby boomers generations values and attributes are: Individual choice, community involvement, prosperity, ownership self-actualization, health and wellness, adaptive, goal-oriented, focus on individual choices and freedom, adaptive to a diverse workplace, and had positive attitudes(The Baby Boomer Generation, n. D). According to statistics, 88% of baby boomers completed high school, and 28. 5% hold a bachelors degree or higher. High school completion rates are decreasing by the years now, and these are because of generation Y children. Clothing styles are much more important to generation Y too. From the reportable phase, to the north face Jackets, to the Sperry shoes, once they break in everyone Just has to start wearing it. The baby boomers didnt really care about what they wore. As long as they had clothes on their backs, it was okay. Not everyone had cars in the time of the baby boom generation, but now-a-days, if you dont have a car, you must be broke or something isnt right with you. Having a car now is much more important to generation y than it was to the baby boomers generation. These things though are Just norms that generation Y has. Having a car is the norm, being scalable is the social norm, being stylish is a norm, and their are many other norms that would have went against what the generation of the baby boomers considered to be a norm. No generation is the same in any way, shape, matter, or form. Both generations have their different ways of living. Both generations have made a change in our modern day world. Both generations have made many attributes. Both generations have brought something different to this world.

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